Sunday, November 9, 2014


Another project I like to use while teaching my grade sevens their Structures and Forces unit is the classic Goldbergs.  I introduce the project with the driving question right near the start of the unit and we refer back to it throughout.  The students build on-going in class throughout the unit and it becomes the lens through which the students learn the essential outcomes from the program of studies.  I love to see the creativity, the application and the pride my sevens develop as they work.  

I LOVE that these are truly the work of grade sevens and not of their parents, uncles or older siblings.  One reason why I love true project based learning is that it is done in class and not at home.  I can monitor the students' progress, assist when and where I am needed, incorporate the essential learnings right into an authentic task for the students and the students have complete ownership of their learning.  I can easily assess what a student knows and what they need to work on.  This would not be the case with a "do at home" task.

Students bring their own materials from home.  I also have a big bin of recycled materials students can take from as well. I also have a drawer of common tools for student use and a large bin of hot glue guns.

Here is the assignment sheets I have developed with my colleagues over the years.  We change the end task regularly- ring a bell, pour cereal into a bowl, pop a balloon, etc. 

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