Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sites I love to use in teaching

Like any teacher, I am overwhelmed by the number of excellent websites out there that can be effectively used with my students and to better my teaching practice.  Beyond the whole Google apps offerings, there are some that have become a regular part of my prep/delivery.  Here is just a short list that is by no means comprehensive or complete.

1.  Schoology A collegue of mine introduced me to Schoology 3 years ago, and I love it.  My students love the discussion feature (it is an excellent way for my introvered students to contribute to the converstation).  I use it to post resources and quick check reviews for my students.  As my school district has many district-wide programs for homework. communication with parents and grade tracking and so on, I do not use all of the Schoology features.   Although I do not use it to its fully potential, it has become a regular tool for my students.

 2.  Urlist - As I came across excellent websites/ videos/ articles to use with my students, I found I had bookmark lists on my home laptop, my school computer, my ipad and my phone.  It was a challenge to keep all of the resources I wanted to access in one place.  A collegue showed me how she used urlist to organize her math resources for her students and I was hooked.

3.  echalk- my students absolutely love to games and interactive whiteboard resources on  There is a yearly subscription cost to access the resources, but it is well worth it. 

4. Brainpop - My junior high students also love Tim and Moby on Brainpop.  The short animated videos, the quiz feature and the resources are excellent.  It is also a yearly subscription site, but each school I have taught at has purchased access for teacher and student use.  Well worth every penny.

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