Friday, December 6, 2013

Authentic Project- School playground, gr 7 Structures

One project my grade sevens threw themselves into and just loved was their playground design.  We are a new school without a playground and our parent council is working tirelessly to fund raise for one.  I took the desire for a recreational space for our students as an opportunity to weave some authentic learning into our Structures and Forces unit.  This was my first real attempt at project based learning.  I had no idea how much work it would be!  In the end, the students loved it, they learned many learning objectives at a deep level and they felt connected to their school community quickly.

I am very grateful for my 3 day training with Charity and the Buck Institute on project based learning.

Here are some of the handouts and student samples from the project.

Ideal Playground

Grade 3 Buddy Questions

Key Ideas Checklist

Self Evaluation

Data Reflection

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